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Look at what happened at The Prisoner Virtual Con 2.0 and The Prisoner Virtual Con 2.0 by visiting the Convention Schedule Page

Virtual Con 3

We will be back!

Join us for our third Virtual Convention, taking place in 2021.

The team are already working on making this the best Prisoner Virtual Con ever. Contact us if you have any materials, ideas, videos etc. you would like to contribute, or if you would like to be involved in some other way.

Remember... The Prisoner Virtual Con really is FREE FOR ALL

The Deep Dungeon

Number Zero's latest project has been discovered.

You can explore The Deep Dungeon by visiting The Secret Entrance Deep Dungeon Entrance
And while you are in the area why not pop into The Dark Cave by following this link

Your newly elected Village Council is here to keep you informed on all the goings on in Your Village.
Click here to visit the Council Chambers.



Remember... The Dark Cave does not follow curfew rules - open all day throughout the Virtual Convention and beyond. Screenshot 2020-04-25 at 10.56.16.png

Follow this link to see all the content April's "The Prisoner Virtual Convention 2020" in one place.

We respect your privacy. This site is GDPR compliant. Requests to third party servers are anonymised so that no user-identifying information is shared. Unlike the real Village we do not track visitors.